Jux.com optimize the tablet reading experience Launched in August this year, a multimedia information platform Jux can now support the Onda VX610W Tablet PC touch browsing. It is optimized for the iPad, but not an iPad application, users only need to use landing jux.com Dropad A8I Tablet PC browser to use these new features. Jux with a responsive design, whether in your desktop or tablet PC's screen, it can be performed very well.
Even before this update, Jux format gave birth to some of the excitement, and personalized content. Browse Jux I think people are excited. Web content can be so polite, so calm cool and Jux is like holding a microphone. Haipad M8 gesture further enhanced the Jux intuitive browsing experience and explore, but this is the best place to update the content on different platforms is identical. This is like when using it on the desktop experience is exactly the same. Jux Six pre-defined format posts - BlockQuote, Article, Photo, Video, SlideShow and CountDown. Some posts focus on the text, while others are complete images.
Jux Dropad A9N Tablet PC version uses the HTML5 technology is entirely Web-based. It supports all video, animation and desktop versions of the font, and can in most cases to better deal with rotation issues. Industry that is responsive design Web's future, one step ahead Jux has arrived there. Moreover, Jux is a free service, no matter who you are, what you publish or post, Jux will handle for you. Access jux.com in the Tablet PC, you will first see the gallery page. Each Jux has a Haipad M7 Tablet PC cover page, enable publishers to add profiles and some links.
Today we are aware of published content for the Ainol Novo7 Tablet PC is very important. This is why there are so many services for publishers hope to solve the problem plate format, so that publishers do not have hands. But the difference is that with these services, Jux really know what SmartQ T7 is put in the content, because these elements are produced in the Jux.Jux use Tablet PC gestures, most of Tablet PC users are accustomed to using the.For all of the Tablet PC applications, to teach the user to learn a new gesture is a challenge. Jux do not want to remind the box interfere with user experience.NextBook Next3