Season 7 of How I Met Your Mother dvd box set? I just finished watching all True Blood seasons 1-5 dvd of HIMYM that they have available on Netflix. sadly season 7 is not on there, and I'm probably not going to be able to watch it before season 8 starts.. so can anyone tell me anything important that happened? any breakups, hookups, family related things, etc Game Of Thrones dvd box set that are important to know for s8? There are websites where you can buy the entire season online. I use, if you google it you will probably find a lot. But important things that happened are Marshall gets his dream job, Robin thinks she is pregnant but then receives news that she cannot have children, Marshall and Lily move to a house in Long Island, Lily goes into labor and has the baby (Simpsons dvd box set), and in the season finale we find out that Robin and Barney are the ones getting married!