After waking from a coma in an deserted hospital, deputy sheriff Rick Grimes finds out the entire world he recognized gone - ruined by a world zombie crisis of apocalyptic amounts. Close by, on the outskirts of Atlanta, a small encampment fights to alive as The Walking Dead DVD stalk them at every turn. Can Rick and other people keep their humankind as they battle to stay in this horrifying " new world "? Together with, among horrible afflictions and personal rivalries, will they finally live each other? The specific characteristic I was most fascinated in was the season 1-2 The Walking Dead dvd : The Black & White Version, primarily because I love black and white shows. It was obviously a fan-requested feature, most likely because The Walking Dead dvd relese date comic books are in black and white. I have to admit, as powerful as the pilot is, and as long as I love black and white, the transformation to black and white doesnt really offer the pilot well. In presenting one reason why he's got the comics in black and white, comics creator Robert Kirkman in one of the features (No More Room in Hell: The Walking Dead Release Date Phenomenon) said that if everything is a nice clean of gray its not quite as surprising. For purposes of the comic, it resulted in he could put in more gore. For applications of Buy The Walking Dead Seasons 1-2 DVD Box Set episode, it will be desirable. Pretty Little Liars DVD , Leverage DVD