Jade Necklace is remarkably tough, used by ancient civilizations for axes and weapons. The Aztecs even taxed it. However, because of its smooth texture, it was soon carved into ornaments and jewelry. Jade Pendant Chinese jade first arrived in the West during the sixteenth-century, brought from Canton by the Portuguese. Jade BangleToday jade continues to be a symbol of love, virtue, and status. It is believed to radiate divine unconditional love and balance the emotions. Held in the hand it can improve judgment silk traders clasped jade while bartering.Jade Ring Worn around the neck, jade was said to dispel illness and cure kidney problems. It was even used to bring immortality. Jade Jewelry Entire jade suits have been found in ancient emperors tombs! Most jade carved in China is from Burma, with shades of green, lavender, yellow, white and grey. Naturally these colors form over millions of years from minerals in the rock.