The price ofJade Bangle continues to rise, so your jade bangle bracelet is not only a beautiful piece of jewelry but also an investment. Good quality genuine jade is not cheap, and if you see prices that are less than $100 for jadeite,Jade Necklaces it is probably a very poor quality or not genuine jade. So you need to purchase a jade bangle bracelet or any kind of jade items, from a reliable seller. Jade Rings A reliable jade seller will offer information about jade on their web site. For example, Ying Yu Jade not only offers much jade information, but also a daily jade blog that informs readers about jade, a travelog of our China jade buying trips, detailed policies and information you need for the actual purchase and shipping of the jade you buy.Jade Jewelry Many jade sellers don't use an automated shopping cart system because it is extremely time consuming to put items for sale in a shopping cart system when each jade piece is a one-of-a-kind item, but Ying Yu Jade believes this is a professional method for selling jade to give customers confidence that they are getting what they order, and will receive a proper receipt with the ability to view their account and status. We want customers to feel confident when they purchase from Ying Yu Jade because we know it can be a challenging time especially when you purchase your first jade bangle bracelet.